About HOM

 Happiness Over Materialism

A Brand Rooted in Inner Peace and Fulfillment.
Happiness Over Materialism is a brand built on the belief that true happiness comes not from accumulating possessions, but from living with purpose, cultivating inner peace, and having meaningful experiences.

Our brand logo meaning:

The H: Has a semi smile that represents happiness.

The O: is formed by two semicircular arrows, one pointing up and one pointing down, representing the duality of life. It highlights the importance of balance in life, reminding us that both positive and negative experiences are essential parts of our human journey.

The M: Has two horizontal lines that resemble the strokes in most currency symbols.

It represents that sometimes in our life our happiness is going to be high while the material wealth is going to be down, while in other occasions our happiness is going to be down and our material wealth is going to be up, meaning that happiness cannot be solely tethered to external possessions. We should prioritize inner peace, positive relationships, and meaningful experiences to fulfill true happiness.
Our brand symbol

Our brand philosophy is embodied in its unique symbol, which combines two powerful symbols: the Hamsa hand and the OM.

The Hamsa Hand:

The Hamsa hand, also known as the Hand of Fatima, is a powerful symbol of protection, blessing, and good luck across various cultures. Its five fingers represent the five senses, or the five elements. In the context of Happiness Over Materialism, the Hamsa hand signifies the importance of safeguarding inner peace and shielding oneself from the external pressures of materialism.

The OM:

Om (pronounced ah-uu-mm), a sacred syllable, represents the universe, the divine, and the ultimate reality. It embodies the interconnectedness of all things and the path to enlightenment. For Happiness Over Materialism, the OM symbolizes the pursuit of inner wisdom and the realization that true happiness comes from within, not from material possessions.

The Synergy of Symbols:

The combination of the Hamsa hand and the OM within the symbol creates a powerful visual representation of the brand's core message. It speaks of cultivating inner strength and resilience while embracing the interconnectedness of all things. This message resonates strongly in today's world, where materialism often dominates our lives and leads to feelings of emptiness and dissatisfaction.

Happiness Over Materialism: Beyond the Logo.

The brand's philosophy extends beyond the logo. It aims to inspire individuals to:

Redefine happiness: Move away from the societal definition of happiness being linked to material possessions and embrace a more holistic approach that prioritizes inner peace, positive relationships, and meaningful experiences.

Practice gratitude: Cultivate an attitude of appreciation for the things that truly matter, good health, loving relationships, and the simple joys in life.

Live intentionally: Make conscious choices that align with your values and passions, rather than being driven by consumerism and societal expectations.

Embrace minimalism: Simplify your life by decluttering your possessions and focusing on what brings true joy and fulfillment.

Connect with others: Build strong and meaningful relationships with loved ones and contribute to your community.

Happiness Over Materialism is more than just a brand; it's a movement towards a more mindful and fulfilling way of life. It's a reminder that true happiness lies not in what we have, but in who we are and how we connect with the world around us.

Join the Movement:

If you resonate with the values of Happiness Over Materialism, there are many ways to get involved:

Support the brand: Purchase products that reflect your values and spread the message to others.

Engage in the community: Join our community and discussions to connect with like-minded individuals and share your experiences.

Live the message: Make conscious choices in your daily life that prioritize inner peace and meaningful experiences.

Together, we can create a world where happiness is not measured by material possessions, but by the richness of our inner lives and the connections we build with each other.
Our mission, vision and values:


To empower individuals to find true happiness and fulfillment through inner peace, meaningful experiences, and positive relationships, independent of material possessions.


A world where happiness is no longer measured by material wealth, but by the richness of inner experiences and the strength of human connection.


Inner peace: Cultivating a sense of calm and contentment within us.

Meaningful experiences: Prioritizing activities that bring joy, purpose, and personal growth.

Positive relationships: Fostering strong, supportive, and loving connections with others.

Minimalism: Decluttering our lives and focusing on what truly brings value and happiness.

Gratitude: Appreciating the simple joys and blessings in life.

Intentional living: Making conscious choices aligned with our values and passions.

Community: Building a supportive network of individuals who share our values.
Sustainability: Minimizing our impact on the environment and promoting responsible consumption.

Empowerment: Inspiring others to take control of their happiness and live fulfilling lives.

These values and principles guide all aspects of Happiness Over Materialism, from the products and services offered to the way the company interacts with its customers and employees. They are the driving force behind the brand's mission to create a world where happiness is accessible to everyone, regardless of their material circumstances.
Luis Díaz
Founder and CEO